Oracle Maxymiser Self Serve
Custom Attributes

Custom Attributes are data holders where we can record any activities done by users on client website. Anything not in the list of standard Maxymiser attributes (OOTB) and which may be unique to business can be captured with custom attributes. For example, capture an attribute such as gender, which is available as a first-party cookie, or is passed on via a data layer variable, or appears on the web page as a choice in a form / quote funnel. You can instruct the system to capture this information and segment it into useful buckets that can be used for further analysis or segmentation purposes. That work always been done by Maxymiser developers on client or consultant request. As Maxymiser platform goal was to be self serve we got occasion to tackle this particular are and change it.

Challenge - change hardcore developer activity to easy and self serve task which can be done by Marketer.

Thanks to our close relationship with customers we been able to secure first important uses cases to include them in our ideation sessions.

Use Cases

First flow presentation based on kickoff meeting and Ideation session

Prototype for show & tell with internal users and customers

Prototype Feedback

Internal User 1

  • Totally agrees with intent and direction
  • Likes the UX, should be re-used for new Action Attribute capture and in other area
  • Feature will be used by GTS a lot (as long as there is "Custom JS" too)
  • Ability to capture visible elements on page by WYSIWYG can come in stage 2
Internal User 2
  • Totally agrees with intent and direction
  • Likes the UX, can see it driving usage - it will help get people thinking about the customer profile, customer data and the "art of the possible"
  • Custom JS and Data Layer / hidden variables on page are the biggest ones for his sector
  • WYSIWYG capture is a big bonus, and it will help some clients, but can be beyond MVP, given the option to do Custom JS
  • The big win here is that the user / technical people will have everything they need in one place, the centralized management of customer attributes is a key feature here
Internal User 3
  • Likes UX
  • You can build Max Discover campaign without knowledge of Java Script
  • 80% of clients will be able to use it
  • It can be faster for CS to use it in simply cases. More advance need be done by GTS
Client 1
  • Totally agree with intent and direction
  • They think this is a "big step forward" as it enables them to (1) take control of the customer profile, adding and changing attributes; and (2) have in a single place their JS code for attributes
  • Overall, the data layer and custom JS are important for them, with visible elements and cookies coming second; URL capture is last but there are some use cases
Client 2
  • She said that she can see this empowering them to do a lot more on their own in terms of personalization
  • As the discussion before had involved Discover, she said that this would also enable them to get a lot more in terms of insights to drive their roadmap and the fact that Discover takes in any new attributes would be a big bonus

Success - we got really good feedback from internal users and customers. That make us much more confident to move forward with usability testing.

Our next move was usability testing. I prepare below task for our users to see if they will be able to finish it and how hard it will be for them.

Usability Testing Script

Campaign is already created and designed to test behaviour between genders of your users. Your company want to see if personalised offer for Male and Female users will bring bigger uplift. It’s possible to recognise your users based on parameter inside cookie @crm_gender. One missing element is logic for it. Your task is to create logic for Attribute Gender. You know cookie @crm_gender can have 3 values: m for - male, f for female and Empty. You know if cookie does not exist it means there is no data in CRM and you need to mark it inside attribute. You also know that rule should be lunch on URL. You already created Preset Attribute Gender with 4 values Male, Female, Empty, No data in CRM. Using that knowledge please create cookie rule.

Desirable Output:

If cookie @crm_gender contains m then set attribute to Male
If cookie @crm_gender contains f then set attribute to Female
If cookie @crm_gender does not exist m then set attribute to No data in CRM

Set attribute to Empty


Additional tasks:

- Can you please delete one of created rules ?
- Can you please save created rules ?
- Can you please see code for created rules ?
- Can you please clear capture method for Attribute Gender ?

End questions:
What parts of process were easy for you ?
What parts of process were confusing or frustrating ?
How do you feel about the whole process ?
Is there something you will improve ?

User Testing Recordings

Success - 80% of users complete task and we got good feedback to adjust minor things to make it even better.

UI Showcase

Final Product